Get To Next
Self-Paced Online Course
Aligning People Around Action
Is this you?
Are you a project manager who has been asked to develop new revenue streams to a line of business or a team leader who needs to bring an innovation initiative across the finish line? Maybe you are responsible for growing a number of projects that have come out of design thinking sprints, prototyping or ideation? 

Or you are a driver of a government, education, or community organization that needs to build an innovation-centric ecosystem. Do you work at a startup and need to hit an important new milestone? Are you a person with a new concept, but you don't know how to make it real or build it bigger? Why can that be so challenging?
Traditional tools  won't help in today's environment.
They were not designed to do what today's realities demand.

• Strategy can miss the mark when it comes to innovation priorities
• Innovation techniques can hit a wall when it's time to commercialize or get buy in at scale
• Futurist thinking can be hard to translate into the here and now
• Distractions prevent Project Next from becoming Focus Now

That's why, for the past 5 years, we've been applying and refining a process that drives full engagement in innovative initiatives.

• Internal initiatives to get a seat at the table for a Finance Group
• Technology innovations that bring a new platform to market
• Business model innovations that reconfigure the logistics or go to market ecosystem
• External initiatives that co-create new mobility solutions for customers
• Purpose-driven initiatives—like figuring out how to shift healthcare to meet home-based needs
• Future-oriented initiatives that make things real—profitable companies that have measurable impact
So, would you like to know
  • ​​Where to place your bets?
  • ​How to get unstuck?
  • ​How to enlist buy-in inside your company?
  • ​How to move from early stage ideas to full-scale success?
Are you finding it challenging to run innovation at scale in these times of exponential change in a timely fashion? Are you calling many good ideas dead on arrival? Are projects being stymied in areas outside of your influence or control?
It used to be that the biggest problem with innovation was coming up with ideas. Today, the toughest challenges are knowing where to place our bets, gaining support for early stage initiatives, and taking the risk out of growing an idea to scale.
The linear, traditional processes that used to work in the past to bring us great inventions and grand earnings no longer meet the need of a rapidly changing ecosystem with monumental challenges. While there are aspects of past performance worth retaining, what is missing is the intentional integration of all the moving parts into a streamlined process in real-time.
In complex times we need simplicity
• In Get To Next we teach you a system and a process to identify a promising idea and “take it to the bank” in five simple steps - quickly.
• This course is built for practical application. We introduce you to each of the sequential steps, then we give you the tools, then you practice. Great ideas deserve to grow to scale.
Why are we basically giving this away?
You will find this course to provide an incredible return on investment. We hope so much so - that you come back for more, with your team, with your partner(s), with your ideas. Join our community.
What’s in the course?
The Get To Next Model
Five 30-40 minute live video recordings introducing the Get To Next Model.
The Get To Next Workbook
Detailed instructions on how to use the course with concrete samples, examples, and step-by-step instructions.
The Get To Next Canvases
The Get To Next templates for each Module with the canvases, forms, and charts introduced in the Model.
Do this course at your own pace and even sync it with a project you are working on. You will have access to the course and the tools  for 6 months (and you can always request an extension)
Actionable support for your ideas + initiatives
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